Info on how to purchase ‘The Spirit of Children’

Dear Editor:

Deborah Carrino sent me a copy of the moving letter to the editor that recently appeared in the Hudson Reporter from Michael Seyfried, a reader who had purchased her book and was encouraging others to do the same. Unfortunately, he gave slightly incorrect information for those who’d like to purchase the book directly from Prometheus Books. Our fax number is 716-691-0137, not area code 718 as printed. We also have a toll free order line, 1-800-421-0351. The cost he listed, $29, is without shipping charges. If your readers send a check for that amount, they will be billed for shipping. Of course, The Spirit of Children is also available at all major book sellers, including online.

Thank you for your support of a local author.

Jill Maxick
Direct of Publicity
Prometheus Books


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