Generous citizens earn a sincere “Thank You”

Dear Editor:

We would like to thank the many generous citizens of Hoboken who helped make our 2000 ‘Scouting for Food’ Drive a grand success. Virtually everyone who shopped at the A&P on Clinton Street last weekend either donated an item of food or put a dollar into the kitty. Combined with donations gathered by the Stevens Alphi Phi Omega service fraternity, we were able to deliver more than 1100 pounds of food to Sister Norberta at the Hoboken Clergy Coalition Shelter for the Homeless, along with $200 in cash.

Special thanks must be given to Manager John Zuza for letting us set up our table in front of his busy supermarket, and to Kim Muller of the A&P home office in Montvale. It was their genereous cooperation that made our success possible.

Scouts of Boy Scout Troop 146


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