Mr. McAdam, in the dark in 1980; wants to keep us there in 2000

Dear Editor:

As a resident of the First Ward, I am appalled at the politics being played by Dawn McAdam’s campaign manager related to the former Keystone site.

I received a flyer from Charles McAdam and read a letter in the Home News from him that was loaded with desperate and wild political charges. Mr. McAdam, and presumably, his candidate, have not offered a constructive suggestion or idea for the First Ward.

Mr. McAdam unfairly criticizes Mayor Elwell for taking the extraordinary steps he has taken to keep residents informed. Mr. McAdam is a hypocrite who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Mr. McAdam actually criticizes the mayor for informing residents. Apparently, Mr. McAdam wants us to be kept in the dark. Just as Mr. McAdam was in the dark in 1980 when he ran for Town Council while Keystone was polluting our community. Mr. McAdam never said a word then when the problem existed, but now criticizes the efforts to correct the problem he could have spoken out about 20 years ago.

Louis Cucciniello


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