Costume preview Kids reveal their Halloween choices

Halloween is a bit like the Academy Awards for kids. What to wear – and how to choose what to wear – is a hot topic of conversation for participants for weeks leading up to the event. This year seems to be no different as many kids already have their costumes picked out. Here is what some of them are going to wear, and why.

Albert Morales, 10
5th grade, Wallace Primary School

“I’m gonna be a football player. I play football right now. But when I grow up I’m going to play baseball.”

Brian Agosto, 13
8th grader Demarest Middle School

“A leprechaun. ‘Cause I’m short.”

Morgan Carey, 4
Pre-K, Calabro Primary School

“A princess.”

Fabian Mendoza, 8

3rd grade, Calabro Primary School

“The Undertaker [from] WWF wrestling. I’m his biggest fan.”

Jocelyn Jimenez, 11
4th grade, Calabro Primary School

“I’m going to dress as Scream’s wife. You know, Scream’s wife from the movie. That’s what I was last year.”

Veronika DeLeon, 13
8th grade, Demarest Middle School

“I’m going to be a 1940s girl. [That’s] a girl with a long skirt, big jacket, cigarette holder and stockings with a line in the back of them. I wanted to go all out because this year I am in eighth grade and so it is my last year in the school, and because it is the year 2000.”

Shayne Taglieri, 13
8th grade, Demarest Middle School

“A monk. Because I have never ever seen anybody dress as a monk for Halloween. I think it will be funny.”


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