October is Brain Injury Awareness Month

Dear Editor:

An estimated 5.3 million Americans, a little more than 2 percent of the U.S. population, currently live with disabilities resulting from brain injury. Every 15 seconds, someone in the United States sustains a brain injury. Every five minutes one dies and another becomes permanently disabled. The emotional toll a brain injury takes on the individual, family and friends is immeasurable. Prevention, public awareness and education are the tools we can utilize in order to quiet this “silent epidemic.”

The Brian Injury Association of New Jersey, Inc. (BIANJ), is a statewide membership organization dedicated to providing education, outreach, prevention, advocacy and support services to all persons affected with brain injury and to the general public.

Programs such as supported employment, information and resources, family support services, prevention programs, a week-long summer camp respite program, along with BIANJ’s involvement in securing important legislation and acting as advocates for individuals with brain injuries, are all important components of the Brain Injury Association of New Jersey’s mission.

For further information, contact BIANJ at 732-738-1002, Helpline at 1-800-669-4323 or e-mail: info@bianj.org, or visit us at our website: www.bianj.org.

Brain Injury Association of New Jersey


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