Diamond Jubilee Parade a huge success

Dear Editor:

The Union City 75th Anniversary Committee wishes to thank everyone who helped to make our Diamond Jubilee Parade on October 22nd a success.

Every school in Union City participated as did the bands from Hoboken High School, Weehawken High School, North Bergen High School and Memorial High School in West New York. The children, some as young as four or five years old, walked the whole parade route, many accompanied by their dedicated parents. We thank you all.

We also send a very special thanks to our neighboring police departments, as well as North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue and the Union City Emergency Medical Services who all sent a vehicle to our parade.

Special thanks are also extended to the three lovely ladies from the Hudson Burlesque Theater–Joan Torino, Ellie Farrelly and Hope Diamond–who looked just gorgeous and added just the right amount of nostalgia and glamour to our parade. Thank you so much ladies.

We sincerely appreciate all of the pageant winners–Miss USA Lynette Cole, Miss Brooklyn, Kristen Albanese, Miss Mainland 2000, Diera Shaw, Princess of Kids on Parade, Michelle Diaz, Hispanic State Parade of New Jersey Princess, Elizabeth Rondon and Miss Junior America National East Coast Pre-Teen 2000 Megan Rose Hurley–who graced our parade, taking time out of their very busy schedules to be with us in Union City on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Their beauty and poise will be remembered by all.

We thank all of the church groups, civic organizations, youth groups, cheerleaders, dance and theater groups who marched.

The presence of our Mayor and Commissioners, Congressman Robert Menendez, Freeholders Brian Stack and Maurice Fitzgibbons, Senator Bernard Kenny, the members of the Union City Board of Education and our many other very special guest dignitaries provided the historical and political context of our parade. Ms. Chary Mikell did a great job as “mistress of ceremonies.” Thank you all.

We must thank all the very special people who volunteered to organize our parade and get it moving. The job would have been impossible without our hard-working volunteers, those who worked on the day of the parade and on the planning in the days preceding it, and those who provided the antique cars with drivers and cartoon character costumes.

The Union City Police Department, under the command of Chief Norman Bareis and Lt. Jack Neaman of the Traffic Division and their officers did an extraordinary job. Thank you to Union City’s finest.

And last, but certainly not least, we thank the residents–both current and former–and business owners of Union City who came out to see the parade and who were inconvenienced for a short time while the parade marched through. We appreciate your support and cooperation.

Thanks to all who helped make this a very special day for Union City.

The Union City 75th Anniversary Committee


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