My deepest and heartfelt thanks to all who participted in ‘The Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day’ walk

Dear Editor:

I took a walk this past weekend. A 60-mile walk from Bear Mountain State Park in New York, through New Jersey, over the George Washington Bridge into Morningside Park in Manhattan. Why? I participated in one of the most incredible events of my life, “The Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day.” The Avon 3-Day is just one of several fundraising activities sponsored by the “Avon Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade” which began in 1993. From 1993 through 1999, this Crusade has distributed approximately $100 million to breast cancer health care programs and to cutting-edge medical research that will hopefully one day eradicate this horrible disease.

Since 1998, Avon has organized 12, 3-Day events from coast to coast. At the present time, 11 of these walkathons are history and a net amount of $56 million has been realized. I am pleased to say that I received over $3,600 in donations from my generous supporters. Thank you all! If fate is truly the inevitable maybe through our tremendous efforts and contributions we can at least redirect the course of the outcome.

This memorable 3-Day journey, which began on Friday, October 13, was an extraordinary learning experience. I learned very much about the great outdoors and the meaning of “roughing it.” Two nights in a tent, showers in a water-shower trailer and making the most of Port-o-Johns have all contributed to my lesson. I also learned a great deal about myself and about people, incredible people of all ages such as, an 83 year old gentleman walking in memory of his loving wife of over 50 years, a group of people from our area called “The Hoboken Hot Trotters” who trained faithfully together for the past nine months, a 28 year old “survivor” named Allison making this journey on crutches, people walking just because and the sea of women walking in their pink shirts that proudly proclaim “survivor.”

There is another group of women that I am proud to call my friends, as they are truly “Women of Substance.” I am thrilled to have shared this event with people who have a sense of kindness and sensitivity, a sense of humor and a true sense of adventure. To a real pal Elia Borelli, to my new found relative Catherine Minervini, to a new friend Francine Gaitanaros and to my dear tent-mate Joanne Jeffreys, I say thank you for sharing your great big hearts, your tears, your overwhelming emotions, your laughter and all the loving hugs. Thanks for visiting me in the Triage Physical Therapy Unit and for documenting that very special occasion on film. Thanks for always looking back and most of all, “Thanks for the warm Memories.”

As we approached the finish line of this amazing event, there stood my greatest supporter, my husband, his eyes filled with warm emotions, open arms with two dozen long stem white roses and a white limousine waiting to take me home. As we shared a toast of champagne on the ride back to Hoboken, something I’ve known all my life was strongly reinforced; considering the ups and downs in all aspects of life, I’ve been very fortunate.

Nancy Q. Sciancalepore


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