Dear Editor:
I would like to respond to last week’s letter to the editor from Irma Colon, a Metropolis Tower shareholder. In this letter, I believe Ms. Colon made several incorrect statements. Although I respect and sympathize with her situation, I feel I must respond and challenge her position.
Ms. Colon puts forth that Councilman Harvey Smith and other members of the City Council are attempting to “duck” their responsibility by not voting on the proposed amendment to the Jersey City Rent Control Law. I contend that the Council is correct in its reluctance to vote on this issue, as it should remain in the judicial process, returning to the court system for appropriate appeal.
Here is the issue: George Filopoulos has attempted to raise our rent 75 percent to 202 percent. When this was proposed to HUD, when HUD still owned the mortgage, the request was flatly denied. Despite this, Filopoulos proceeded with the increase. The renters sued. And won.
Ms. Colon states in her letter that the judge in this case ruled that “the ordinance must be amended” to allow this increase. This is not true. The judge ruled that as the law stands, the rent increases are illegal. It is Mr. Filopoulos’ solution to this issue, to change the law, retroactively, to allow these increases. The judge never requested that the law be changed, he only interpreted the standing ordinance, which has been protecting renters for the past 30 years.
Ms. Colon states in her letter that the Rent Leveling Board approved the “market” rents in the reorganization plan submitted by Metrovest/Filopoulos. Again, this is inaccurate and misleading. Ms. Colon is referring to an “opinion” of an employee of the Rent Leveling Board, which was later refuted. The Rent Leveling Board never approved these increases.
Ms. Colon also refers to the renters at Metropolis Towers as “deadbeats.” Webster’s Dictionary defines this slang term as “a person who tries to evade paying for things” and “a lazy idle person.” Here, I most strongly disagree with Ms. Colon. I and the other renters, are hardworking citizens. We pay our bills. We work hard at our jobs. We care for our homes. And we fight for our rights. If one if attempting to apply the above term accurately, one should first look at the shareholders themselves. A group who have not met their financial responsibilities for the past 13 years, resulting in their current financial crisis.
Ms. Colon and some of the other shareholders have demonzied the renters, blaming us for their fiscal mismanagement. They have berated and harassed us in newsletters, in public forums and in the hallways of our building. They falsely state that we are against any increase in our rents. This is inaccurate. We fully support a fair increase, but the key term is fair. On one issue, I support Ms. Colon. She stated that “it takes courage to do the right thing.” I, however, believe the right thing is exactly what Councilman Smith is proposing. Allowing this issue to remain in the court system. Allowing the appropriate forum to address the concerns of both shareholders and renters. By the time this letter is published, the council will have made its decision. Let’s hope that wisdom prevails and rent control is protected.
Clay Cockrell, renter
Metropolis Towers