Sierra Club endorses Hoboken’s waterfront project

Dear Editor:

I’d like to congratulate Mayor Anthony Russo and his administration for the recent designation by the Sierra Club proclaiming Hoboken’s Southern Waterfront Development as the best example in New Jersey of intelligent, well planned development.

Certainly, the mayor has been involved from the beginning in ensuring the maximum amount of public access on our waterfront. I remember Russo fighting, even as a councilman in 1991-1992, against the huge proposals that Councilman David Roberts supported, such as a 35-story building on Pier A. Thank God the residents of Hoboken voted that project down!

The Sierra Club endorsement of Hoboken’s waterfront project is a large feather in Mayor Russo’s cap, one that the residents of our city should appreciate for all the hard work he has done on our behalf during the last decade.

Barbara Bilis


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