Al Arezzo a great official and person

Dear Editor:

After reading your October 1, 2000 issue, I am so disgusted with the allegations against Hoboken Building Code Official Alfred Arezzo.

I have experienced dealing with the Hoboken Building Code Official Al Arezzo and I can tell everyone, I hope you print this letter, in the City of Hoboken, that every state in these United States should have a building code official like Al Arezzo. I know from experience that if you follow the rules and regulations set out by the State of New Jersey and the BOCA Code, Al Arezzo is there to guide, help and make sure that the construction work meets code and life and safety is secure.

Al Arezzo has dedicated over 20 years to this work and his primary concern “whomever you are,” is the construction work quality and the safety and lives of the people that will be living and working in these buildings.

Alfred Arezzo is a quintessential human being first, a quintessential State of New Jersey building code official and a credit to his profession.

The City of Hoboken is very fortunate to have him looking out for their interests. In my opinion, this Health Concepts project and Bender’s project are only looking to go around the law instead of following the law.

John Liberatore
Retired construction and project manager


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