We’re back for round two

Dear Editor:

In reference to a response by David Alexander (one of many), first of all Mr. Alexander, you said that my response was “laughable,” yet it sent you into quite a rage. Second of all, if you are the community watch dog that you claim to be, you would have noticed that the dialogue that I was referring to was not between you and I, but between me and another newcomer. Yet, you wouldn’t know that being so self-absorbed, you think that I was referring to you.

Finally, I am not hysterical, and did not call you any names. What are we in elementary school with the sticks and stones mentality? I simply regurgitated back the names that you called yourself. If you cannot accept criticism, do not write into the paper and invite it.

As for being hysterical, I am passionate. I am passionate about this city, and I will tell you why. My family traces its history for over four generations in Hoboken. My great-grandfather helped build the piers, my other great-grandfather helped build Our Lady of Grace. My whole family has been an integral part of the Hoboken that you have come to enjoy today in many ways. Now, you tell me to get out and you expect me to roll over and take it. It will never happen.

Obviously you do not have a passion for where you came from because you are here, so I guess you cannot comprehend the idea of loving where you come from, and I pity you for that. But my roots here are strong, my Italian and Irish roots. Furthermore, there are bigots in every class, nationality, ethnicity and age group. There are not just Italian bigots, there are not just Hoboken bigots. After 40 plus years you would think you would have come to learn that. Yet, when you say that the people outside the “Italian clubs” are the people shouting slurs; you are the bigot. I am not saying that is not true. It very well might be. But let me enlighten you, it is a stereotype based on ethnicity so you are no better than they are.

On a final note, no I am not going to spank you, thank God, and as far as sending you to your room without supper, if you need to drop some weight be my guest. But I will tell you this, when I feel that my community and the people in it that I have come to love are threatened by the likes of you, I will defend them. That is what passion is all about.

Irene Smith


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