Dr. Epps, best candidate for Superintendent of JC schools

Dear Editor: The local media have been publishing stories about the search for a new superintendent for the State operated Jersey City school district and the recent appointment of a committee to review and examine the accomplishments of the current operation of the public schools by the state and the recommendation of programs that will be required as the transition begins back to local control of the education of Jersey City’s school children. Hopefully, soon. Dr. David Hasp, State Commissioner of Education, is to be congratulated for taking these actions. The search for a new superintendent is nationwide, which is what it should be since the 32,000 plus children attending elementary and high schools in Jersey City deserve only the best. And believe me, we do have the best candidate right her in our own great community. I am speaking about none other than Dr. Charles T. Epps, Jr. who has been in the Jersey City school system for over 30 years and has risen through the ranks assuming positions of increasing responsibility as he moved up the ladder from teacher to administrator of various title programs and grants to his current position as Associate Superintendent of Community and Support Services. In each position, Dr. Epps served exceedingly well and brought honor to the school system and himself. As a member and presently Chairman of Hudson County Community College, it was Dr. Epps who initiated the now widely acclaimed program of allowing all graduates of Jersey City’s public high schools the opportunity to attend HCCC at no cost, with the JCED providing the funds for this unique and rewarding program. As a result, thousands of Jersey City students, who otherwise could not attend post secondary school due to a lack of money, are furthering their educational pursuits. Thank you, Dr. Epps. A member of a distinguished Jersey City family with deep roots in the community (a number of the Epps’ family are in the field of education with his father having served outstandingly as principal of Lincoln High School for many years,) Charles Epps knows Jersey City and its fine but demanding citizens. He has the fiber of a truly educated man of western culture and the spirit to do what is best for the school children. He possesses a sincere desire to see his community provide an education for these school children, our most precious natural resource, that is second to none. His concern and care are most commendable and genuinely sincere. His commitment to Jersey City is without bounds. Charles has been a dear and trusting friend for over 30 years. I have seen him mature from a bright and eager teenager to a man of intense integrity who places principles about self. His stewardship of the Jersey City school district as State Superintendent would sound a clarion that will be heard all across New Jersey; that the state is finally recognizing the commanding qualifications and talent that exists in Jersey City. There is little doubt that Charles Epps is acceptable to all segments of the Jersey City school district; administrators, principals, teachers, non instructional staff, the member of our elected Board of Education and the Jersey City Education Association. He is respected by parents and is especially welcomed even more so by the students with whom he freely and frequently interacts. He is a hands on dedicated man who will carry on the programs instituted by the state to make certain our school system is well prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. He will bring a new and refreshing approach to the school. He will improve morale since his appointment as State Superintendent will signal to all associated with the JCSD that recognition from within is still attainable. He is a man of character. Honest. Trusting. Capable. Reliable. Industrious. The previous three State Superintendents of Schools, Elena Scambio, Frank Sinatra and Dr. Richard DiPatri, gave their best and helped establish a positive attitude about the Jersey City public schools. Although different in style, collectively, they put the system on the right road to recovery. They are to be congratulated for their efforts and leadership through trying times. But they were from outside the district and weren’t thoroughly familiar with the nuances of Jersey City politics and the networking that is required to be fully integrated into the spirit of our exciting community and be considered a member of the family. The office of State Superintendent of the Jersey City school district really requires a person who knows local issues and is respected and acceptable to each of our ethnically diverse community groups. A person who can bring the differing factions of thought on education together in a united and cooperative effort to provide only the best for our school children. A person who can maneuver through the rough waters and make safe harbor. Nothing less will do! In my estimation, that person is Dr. Charles T. Epps, Jr. Anthony L. Grazioso


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