Thanks for supporting youth chess in Hudson County

Dear Editor: The Kings Knight Chess Club, Inc., would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with Chess Challenge 2000, held in June at the majestic rotunda of the Hudson County William Brennan Court House in Jersey City. This first annual chess tournament was an overwhelming success due to the participation of students and parents from across Hudson County and notable contributions made by several local organizations including the Jersey City Police Department, JC Safe Haven Program, Hudson County Cultural and Heritage Affairs and the Hudson County Executive’s Office. Special thanks goes out to those corporate and government officials who demonstrated their support for youth chess programs in Hudson County by contributing financially to this worthwhile cause. Elaine Davis, Hudson City Savings Bank; Robert C. Janiszewski, Hudson County Executive; Janet Haynes, Hudson County Clerk; Joe Cassidy, Hudson County Sheriff; Bill O’Dea, Hudson County Freeholder; Mary Donnelly, Jersey City Councilwoman and Bret Schundler, Mayor of Jersey City. The goal of the Kings Knight Chess Club, Inc., is to educate and motivate youth through chess and promote thinking as a competitive activity by creating an environment in which cognitive skills are rewarded. Chess Challenge 2000 gave Hudson County youth the opportunity to participate in a positive event that was mentally challenging, exciting and fun. Thanks again to everyone involved. For more information on Kings Knight Chess Club, Inc. and upcoming tournaments contact (201) 610-3186. Kings Knight Chess Club


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