‘FlopSail’ a letdown

Dear Editor: We woke up at 7 in the morning, tired, excited, left our Hoboken apartment with new lawn chairs in tow and headed out to the park for OpSail 2000. We heard through the grapevine that the Hoboken park was the place to be; the local media spared no propaganda or hype in describing the spectacular view we were to expect. We waded through anxious children with their families and staked out our spot on the lawn. When the ships went by on the New York side of the Hudson, the smog and haze was a bit disconcerting, but at least, we thought, the ships would be closer on the way back. Four hours after we arrived, amidst a bunch of frustrated groans, the ships circled back not far from the path they took uptown. As far as we knew, the Hudson belongs to New Jersey as well as New York, but as hundreds of spectators craned their necks and eyes to see what looked like boats in a bottle, we thought perhaps New York had bought our half the night before. There was one “dissident,” however, who managed to acknowledge the thousands crowded on the Jersey shores; an Irish ship broke the ranks and sailed mere inches away from the park railing. It was spectacular. The crowded screamed its thanks as the ship blew its horn. But it only proved to us that while New Yorkers enjoyed their OpSail, New Jerseyans were forced to settle with an anticlimactic FlopSail. Gennarose Pope


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