Hal Wastes His Wages

Let me start off by thanking the fine people from the Current for finding it in their hearts to help me support my
habits. Regardless of how ridiculously little writers in general earn, it is still nice to be among their ranks again.

So to celebrate my newfound benefaction, I deemed it appropriate to go out and waste my wages on nothing other
than the most suitable waste of money for such occasion … BOOZE. Of course, one can’t just raise a regular pint
of sauce for a situation such as this. No, this calls for the be all-end all of beverages to be used in a proper toast …
a well-poured pint of the exceptional “black gold” that we commonly refer to as GUINNESS.

It’s often difficult to find a well-poured pint of Guinness. So many variables come into play with such a delicate
beauty as this volatile beverage. One needs:

•an exquisitely maintained draught line

•a proper temperature for the keg

•the correct gas for the pour, and …

•a bartender who knows how to pour it.

So rather than waste my allotted space by telling you the names of places where I’ve had a BAD Guinness, let me
highlight two places where I more than guarantee a good pint will be poured.

Upon the confirmation that my column was to be picked up by this paper, I headed directly to Duffy’s (239
Bloomfield St., Hoboken), where I tend bar a few days a week. The bartenders there have learned well, under the
expert tutelage of long-time publican Padraig Hennessy, the complex lessons of pouring a good pint of stout. In
fact, it’s rumored that bad service is punishable by caning in such a strictly-run public house as Duffy’s. Perhaps
that’s why the staff is so feverishly eager to please the patron, no matter how rude and obnoxious that patron may

After a few jars there, I staggered up to The Nag’s Head (359 First St., Hoboken), where Barney was nice
enough to hold the door open for me and Mary Beth was nice enough to serve me one of the smoothest pints I’ve
had on this side of the Atlantic. Cheers to Ann, Eamon, Billy, Brian, Sam, Dave, John, Paul, George, Ringo, and all
others who were present when I bought the round that finished off that week’s wages. For some reason, I don’t
think those names are entirely accurate, but after a couple of pints of the dark stuff, does it really matter?

So again, a resounding Cheers! to the folks at the Current. I look forward to squandering their money
henceforth for the sole purpose of my personal entertainment. It should be fun while it lasts, and

perhaps I’ll bump into some of you while I’m out. But if I’m headed towards the men’s room, I strongly suggest
you move!

If you know how I can effectively waste $50 in the metro area, please write to:

“Hal Wastes His Wages”

c/o The Current

Box 3069

1400 Washington Street

Hoboken, New Jersey 07030.

Or e-mail: Current@hudsonreporter.com.


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