Sunshine violation?

Town attorney Frank Leanza has issued a memo on a possible violation by the town of the state’s Sunshine Law. The law mandates that certain types of town meetings be open to the public, including meetings attended by a quorum of a public body. Leanza’s memo pertained to the possibility of more than three members of the Town Council showing up for a Keystone Committee meeting. He said that at that point, the committee meeting turns into a public meeting, and violates the law because the subject of the meeting will be something the Town Council will later rule about. The issue came to a head in February when the two-member committee met with residents. Councilman Christopher Marra and Michael Grecco ran the meeting, only to have Mayor Dennis Elwell and Councilman John Bueckner show up as well. Bueckner, who had wanted to be one of the committee members, refused to leave, saying that town could call an official meeting and avoid the problem. At the May 11 Town Council meeting, Bueckner came up with a legal opinion of his own, claiming his attending would not pose a violation. Leanza disagreed. While no law has been broken yet as far as the public meeting act, Leanza said future violations could leave the town vulnerable to lawsuits, and action to by the state.


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