Weed and Hottendorf, learn to write!

Dear Editor: The reason I am writing is, this person who calls himself T. Weed and this other person whose name is Otto Hottendorf, what are you two trying to say? Speak English because I as a reader of the Hudson Reporter, have no idea what you two are talking about. And furthermore, when I write a letter about bringing back the 10 o’clock curfew, I am making sense, and when I write about hiring a hit man to shoot all the Hudson County pigeons, I too, am making sense, but you two don’t make any sense. I think a lot of the readers think the way I do, that you two write like a five-year old. That is true. I am putting down what you are trying to say. I hate your stories, they make no heads or tails on what either of you is trying to say. I think you two should go back to school and learn better English. Brian Silvani


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