Dear Editor: I am writing to let your readers know that I have decided to run for US Congress against Robert Menendez in November 2000. After examining Menendez’ voting record, I believe he is totally out of touch with the values of the people here in New Jersey and it’s time he is confronted. According to congressional records, during the 105th and 106th Congresses, Menendez supported giving contraceptives to children without parents consent; he voted against the Taxpayer Relief Act which would cut taxes for individuals, families, farming and other small businesses and against the requiring federal education money be sent to local school districts with 95 percent of it spent in the classroom. Menendez supports Bi-Lingual education which holds back non-English speaking people from assimilating into American culture and voted to allow taxpayer money to pay for abortions. Despite all the troubles with HMOs, Menendez voted against the Patient Protection Act. He also voted against banning “Partial Birth Abortion” and, against the allowing public displays of the Ten Commandments! Can you imagine voting against the Ten Commandments? Menendez is so extreme, he even voted in favor of President Clinton granting clemency to FALN terrorists! I know voters in Hudson County are overwhelmingly Democrats, but they’re conservative “Reagan Democrats.” (Reagan carried the district in 1980). When I expose how radically Menendez has been voting, I think they just might be in the mood for a change. On a personal note, I am 37, I was born in Jersey City. I am a licensed commercial real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Commercial in Jersey City. Married for eight years, I live with my wife, Phyllis, and our 5-year-old son, Michael, in North Bergen. We attend St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Church in Jersey City. I was previously elected as Committeeman to the Hudson County Republican Committee and served as the statewide campaign manager for a major candidate in the 1997 NJ Gubernatorial election. I invite people to visit my web site at for further information or to get involved. Hal Turner North Bergen