Dear Editor: As we start the new year, we once again turn our attention to the process of filing our taxes. This year holds new hopes and opportunities for us. There are new programs available to save you money; money that you can use that will benefit your family and other loved ones. It is estimated that thousands of New Jersey state residents in communities, just like ours, are not taking advantage of the new tax laws. The New Jersey Department of Human Services and its public sectors partners have begun to plan the 2000 Earned Income Tax Credit New Jersey Campaign, EITC. This program is very beneficial to you because it can reduce your tax burden, entitle you to additional wages and put you back on your feet. The program income guidelines for EITC are flexible. Workers with one child and income under $26,928 or under $30,580 with two children or more are eligible. And a new Child Care Tax Credit went into effect in 1998 where eligible workers can get up to $500 for every dependent child under 17. It is your right as residents of this state to participate in this program. Let the state work for you. For more information please call my senate office at 201-295-0200. Senator Nicholas J. Sacco