Let’s keep the noise level down

Dear Editor: The Alliance of Municipalities Concerning Air Traffic and the New Jersey Coalition Against Aircraft Noise would like to thank Dr. Arline L. Bronzaft for working with citizens and educators in South Hackensack in stressing the detrimental effects of aircraft noise on students’learning. Her presentation before the Board of Education in December 1997 set the wheels in motion to soundproof Memorial School. Dr. Bronzaft, Professor Emerita of the City University of New York, has focused her research and writings on the impacts of noise, including airport noise, on mental and physical health, especially that of our children. She serves on the NYC Council on the Environment, is a consultant to the League for the Hard of Hearing, and has worked closely with anti-noise groups in New Jersey. Special kudos to School Superintendent William DeFabiis, former South Hackensack Mayor Nick Brando and the many citizens working together for their patience, persistence and unprecedented success in getting the Port Authority to agree for the first time to soundproof a school impacted by Teterboro Airport. Emma Perez President of Amcat and Vice President of NJCAAN


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