Freedom is not free

Dear Editor: In the 200 plus years that our country has been in existence, a lot of people have died fighting for our freedom. Our ability to be militarily ready is and should be of great importance to every American. So it is ridiculous to me to hear our local politicians demand that the American military get off of land that we own on the eastern Puerto Rican Island of Vieques. For 58 years we have been using this land for military readiness. In 1941 when the land was sold to us, Puerto Rico didn’t have a problem with this; maybe this was because World War II was going on and they might need our protection, but now they have a problem with it so we should just leave. All of the local politicians and members of the Hoboken City Council should be ashamed of themselves for jeopardizing the lives of American men and women and our military readiness by voting for the removal of our Navy from Vieques. One politician said ” I thought it was important for me to support my constituency;” excuse me, your constituency is Americans, all colors, shapes and sizes. If all the politicians don’t like America so much you can all move to Puerto Rico. Just remember freedom is not free. Kevin Ryan


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