Dear Dr. Norquist: I have a co-worker who really gets to me. She is very catty, always talking to the others in our work section in a way that excludes me. I can’t think of anything I’ve done to be treated like this.
Dear Dr. Norquist:
I have a co-worker who really gets to me. She is very catty, always talking to the others in our work section in a way that excludes me. I can’t think of anything I’ve done to be treated like this. Yesterday, she planned an after-work get together at a bar near our office, and invited most of the workers in my area. She knew I was aware of the get-together, yet she didn’t come over and invite me. I used to feel really hurt and left out. Now I just feel angry. I stew about this after work and even wake up thinking about it. Why would someone be so mean? It’s making me miserable at work and even after work. My boyfriend is getting tired of hearing about it. What do you think I should do about this situation? I don’t understand why she is being this way.