Is high school, as we see it, becoming obsolete?

Dear Editor: I am opposed to North Bergen building a high school on precious open space in North Hudson Park. I don’t doubt that there is overcrowding, but surely there has to be another solution. North Bergen is a big town. Why not build a smaller high school further south, instead of the extreme end of the township? The merits of high school as an institution should also be examined. High school is actually obsolete. Downsizing has enabled corporate workers to operate out of their own homes. With the Internet and the advent of super PCs for less than $900, what subjects can you not learn at home? Why be squeezed into a building when one could be educated at home for far less money. No more busing, no crossing the boulevard and no walking to school in the most horrible weather. Township taxes could be slashed in half, and the children better educated. In addition, they would be proficiently computer literate and ready for the job market, which they are not at the present time. Lawrence Giancola


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