Overlooked detail prompts correction by reader

Dear Editor: The front page feature–Candid Camera–from the December 19 issue of The Jersey City Reporter overlooked a critical detail. Though the feature mentioned the Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) it failed to recognize those responsible for conducting the state sponsored program. In case you were not informed, the Jersey City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) administers the UEZ. Mr. Gene Nelson, Director of the UEZ Department at EDC, is entirely accountable for interfacing with the UEZ Authority in Trenton. All the written proposals for various projects within the zone–blockfront renovations, facade improvements, streetscapes, loan programs, Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) and including the security cameras as directed by the mayor and city council–are prepared by Mr. Nelson and the EDC staff. The feature left out that diminutive but vastly significant detail. Our interest lies in serving those business owners within the zone. And, the first step is to properly inform them who is responsible for administering the program and the UEZ in Jersey City. Thank you very much Stuart Z. Koperweis, JCEDC President


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