New millennium, new Hudson County

Dear Editor: Like the billions of people around the world, we in Hudson County are about to embark on a wonderful adventure as we enter the new millennium. While on the surface only the year number will change, the significance of this change goes so much deeper. We will all subscribe to a new way of thinking, focusing on globalization, creativity and growth. Honor the Past-Imagine the Future.” This is the theme of the millennium. Here in Hudson County, there is a great deal to honor, and even more to imagine. Our past has instilled in us a tremendous sense of duty and community. This sense remains with us still today, as we are committed to working together to make our neighbors strong. We have already made a very positive impact in Hudson County. Our waterfront — the Gold Coast — has been reformed, attracting high-profile firms Merrill Lynch, Dean Witter, Goldman Sachs and Bankers Trust to Jersey City. Every municipality in Hudson now has access to a park where children can play and neighbors can gather. Renovations to the historic Lincoln Park Fountain are now complete. Our Affordable Housing Trust Fund has financed the construction of more than 2,000 units of affordable housing, more units than all other counties in the state together. Hudson County has been through a striking revolution over the past 10 years. We have kindled improvements, planning and revitalization which have brought us jobs, education opportunities, an improved infrastructure and safer communities. Crime and unemployment are down, and we are revitalizing our neighborhoods at an accelerated rate. Our future can only be imagined. As the new year approaches, Hudson County finds itself in a stage of revitalization. Our communities are strengthening and development is moving the county forward. In the new millennium, this revitalization will only lead us to increased vitality and stability. President Clinton has invited all citizens to “give a gift to the future which will strengthen our democracy, encourage citizen involvement and unleash the full creative potential of the American people as we chart our common future.” I am certain the residents of Hudson County will accept this invitation and walk together into the new millennium. I wish you and yours a safe, happy holiday season, and I look forward to walking with you into the year 2000. Robert C. Janiszewski, Hudson County Executive


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