Hudson Reporter Archive

First official park master plan meeting

Dear Editor:
The first of a half dozen or so Park Master Plan meetings that will involve a creative, inclusive, democratic community input process to determine the community’s vision for our future renovated Leonard Gordon Park has been scheduled for December 6, 2016; from 6 PM to 8 PM; at St. John’s Lutheran Church (GYM); 155 North Street; Jersey City, NJ.
Come One, Come All! If you’re an adult resident of Jersey City with an interest in the development of Leonard Gordon Park; aka Mosquito Park, you should attend the upcoming half dozen or so public meetings that are being conducted by the City of Jersey City (Brian Weller, Director of Architecture) and assisted by both the Jersey City Parks Coalition and the Friends of Leonard Gordon Park.
All our hard work the past four years has built up to this process so that we may now collectively arrive at the vision for our future wonderful park.
To form a good collective vision, local historical specialists will share information about who Leonard Gordon was; what was the original look of and vision for this park; why the four cement statues of the huge bison and bear…as well as the other statues in the park, etc. But we need you to show up in good numbers right from the start so that you can: receive useful history and information, share your own park development ideas, and then vote on your preferences. We will have our regular monthly meeting at Nicolaus Copernicus School’s library this Friday, Dec. 2nd at 7 PM.
Hope to see many of you at this monthly meeting and then 4 days later at the first official Park Master Plan meeting.
Clifford Waldman, Ruju Shah, Mihir Shah, President, FoLGP, V.P., FoLGP, Treasurer, FoLGP
Grisha Gurevich, Michael Dureck, Doris Guerrasio, Arts; FoLGP, Music; FoLGP

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