Hudson Reporter Archive

Come together and protect Hudson County

Dear Editor:
Donald Trump won the electoral college, made a brief statement about bringing the country back together, and is now putting together an extreme right wing team that includes Steve Bannon, whose publication was abetted by and gave a voice to white supremacists, as chief advisor. As promised, he is likely to implement a reign of terror against Muslims and “illegal immigrants”. Never mind the United States role in helping to create the conditions that many of these people are fleeing.
Our president elect is not going to stop at Muslims and Mexicans. Also on his hit list will be environmentalists, civil libertarians, labor leaders, educators, journalists who don’t toe the line, and anyone else he deems an enemy. To implement his agenda he will have the full power of the NSA, CIA, FBI and ICE at his disposal.
It is time to come together and protect our neighbors, co-workers, family members, customers and friends. Hudson County at all levels of government should stand up against this agenda in every way possible, including declaring our cities to be sanctuaries. We must resist the threats of withholding federal funds, even if it causes, real problems. If we give in to blackmail, when will it end?
Greg Ribot

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