Hudson Reporter Archive

Cifuentes, Matos ignite Colts win

Hoping to build on their momentum the now (1-1) Jets took on the (2-0) Colts in a JCC of Bayonne Indoor Flag Football Jr. Division rematch. Rolling to a 50-30 win in their first meeting the Colts found themselves locked in an 8-8 tie as a TD by the Colts Aaliyana Cifuentes, and a Cifuentes two point run were matched by the Jets Christian Benson (TD) and Aviv Talmor (expt). The sluggish start all came to an end as the Colts began to stock pile points with Aaliyana Cifuentes adding an offensive and defensive TD while also adding 4 extra points followed by 3 TDs by David Matos, a two point catch by Matos and finally a defensive safety. Facing a 48-8 drubbing the Jets showed some resilience as Anthony Baez galloped wire to wire for a TD followed by his 2 point scamper to make it 48-16. With the outcome assured the Colts stayed with their running attack as two long sprints by Alina Danelyants helped to set up another Cifuentes TD and David Matos’s two point grab as the Colts posted an impressive 56-18 victory.

Week 2 Jr. Division
Offensive Player of the Week
: Aaliyana Cifuentes – Colts
Defensive Player of the Week: Aviv Talmor – Jets
Teamwork/Leadership Player of the Week: David Matos – Bears

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