Hudson Reporter Archive

Support Forward Together for school board

Dear Editor:
One of the important factors that has us excited about the current and future directions of the Hoboken Public Schools is our dynamic superintendent, Dr. Christine Johnson. With her at the helm we have already seen wonderful developments in the district, notably the ‘Passport to Learning’ aftercare program. But her ability to implement her vision for our public schools will depend on her having a supportive board, which is why we are supporting the ‘Forward Together’ ticket of Jennifer Evans, Sheillah Dallara, and Irene Sobolov for School Board in Tuesday’s election.
The ‘Passport to Learning’ program has a number of features based on best practices in early childhood education that make it an important advancement for Hoboken’s children:
• Universal availability for all children in the district, no matter socio-economic background
• High quality and wide variety of after school enrichment activities
• Highly affordable cost ($100 per quarter; free for those who qualify)
• Structured environment designed to support school day learning
• Extended hours to help accommodate working families
• Optional dinner for children who need it
Programs like this are the result of an effective, inclusive leadership style by the superintendent and the board working in concert with teachers, parents, and the community and cannot – indeed must not – be taken for granted. Credit goes to the current board leadership as it is responsible for hiring Dr. Johnson and laying the groundwork for this and other programmatic enhancements throughout the district.
Our child is thriving in the public schools and we trust Dr. Johnson and the entire district with her continued care and nurturing. That is why we enthusiastically endorse Evans, Dallara and Sobolov for the Hoboken Board of Education. Please join us in voting 1-2-4 on Tuesday!

Margaret Clarkson and James A. Castiglione

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