Hudson Reporter Archive

Jersey City has a vibe – and WeWork executive who said the opposite is no longer with company

JERSEY CITY – “Cool,” like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder. But if you happen to be an executive working for a company that is about to move to Jersey City, such as Sean Black, who until recently worked for WeWork, you should be careful about saying Jersey City isn’t cool.
Black reportedly made the disparaging remark about Jersey City while part of a real estate panel discussion in New York, claiming the city had “no vibe.”
This came after WeWork had received a $59 million tax break to build a new facility in Jersey City.
While nobody is commenting on whether the remark contributed to his recently leaving the company, Black no longer works for WeWork, according to and various industry sources.
Jersey City officials, who helped broker the deal to bring the company to Jersey City, were not amused, since the city went through great trouble last year to brand itself as a hip alternative to New York.
WeWork will be opening its 101,000 square foot facility at One Journal Square, which for many local officials is pretty cool.

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