Hudson Reporter Archive

Carless people are a developer’s dream

To the Editor:

It seems we have stepped up a notch. Heck! Desirable is what we are. Developers want to see more of us, residing in their multi-story/highrise buildings, that is. Car-less people will not require that coveted parking space or add to vehicular traffic congestion. We get to be a breath of fresh air to the carbon footprint. While our minus becomes a developers plus, truth be known, we have always had our own plus. The many gracious and kindhearted who sit and navigate behind the wheel. Our families, friends, and acquaintances who have schlepped us to and fro near and far countless times. With attitudes of gratitude we applaud and give you thanks. In the spirit of keeping it real please forgive those among us who may at times have treated your generosity as an entitlement due us and allow us to atone in the future.
But I digress: Developers on behalf of all moderate- income( especially lifelong/multi generational individuals) who are the backbone of our fine Bayonne community. We hope your vision includes some modest, therefore affordable, structures. Keep it simple. While amenities are nice, we are more interested in a lower price. Keep the frills so we can pay the bills. We don’t have to remember from whence we came as we are all still here. Hopefully that counts for something!


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