Hudson Reporter Archive


First, I want to say how happy The Hudson Reporter crew is to be in Bayonne. As many of you may know, we had a great run in Hoboken for more than three decades and are now enjoying our new digs at 447 Broadway.

Which puts us right in the middle of the action in this ever-evolving town with its wide range of cultural and entertainment options.

Many of those activities are on display in this issue, offering lots of contrasts.

We’ve got published authors like Robin Constantine, and we’ve got the Western Electric Retirees who have a surprising story to tell. If you’re looking for real polar opposites, how about wrestling and ballet? Our dynamic duo—Tara and Max—went toe to toe (not really) with professional ballerina Jaime Hickey and spent an evening with Jersey All-Pro Wrestling.

Another contrasting pair are the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Bayonne’s championship cheerleaders. But they both mean business!

As you all know, Bayonne is famous for its many charitable organizations and the many volunteers who donate their time, money, and good will to keep them afloat. One such group is the Boy Scouts. Find out what they’re doing to make Bayonne a better place.

By the way, we had a great shot of them (see page 22) that we were considering for the cover. In fact, we got a question from a reader about how we choose covers. Sometimes, it’s something nostalgic, like the Boy Scouts. Sometimes it’s something cutting edge, like the wrestlers. Sometimes it’s just a great photograph that draws people in.

In this issue it was something iconic, beautiful, and evolving. You know what it is.

If you’re cruising around in the MOTBY area, you may have wondered about those, well, what are they exactly? Big concrete blocks? Al Sullivan wondered, too, and went out to photograph them and find out what the heck they’re doing there. Hint: They have something to do with our cover shot.

There’s more in this issue, but before I go, remember our cover guy in our very first issue? Musician Jared Hart. Well, it seems that he is having a lot of success out in the big wide world.

We caught up with him when he was having some R&R in his hometown. That’s him, chilling on his front steps.

Not a bad idea. Chill out with Bayonne: Life on the Peninsula.


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