Hudson Reporter Archive

Thanks to doctors

To the Editor:

I want to take this time to thank the Dr. Montalbano of Bayonne Medical Center’s Emergency Room as well as the ICU team for saving my daughter, Stephanie Kuzminski’s life the week of April 18th. Stephanie was in multiple organ failure due to being in septic shock and we were told that hope was not in the vocabulary and the next 24 hours were critical. The ICU doctors, DeSai, Klein and Khan were very caring and did a wonderful job. They sat and each spoke with us and let us know moment to moment what was going on and told us they were doing everything they could possibly do. Dr. Asif, Dr. Go, Dr. Pristeolas, Dr. Cam, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Ghuman’s team, Dr. Bey, I thank you for being there for us and more importantly for Stephanie. Stephanie beat the odds and she is home thank you to a wonderful team.

Thank you to the nursing staff, security, cleaning staff and many others who saw me coming and going and most of the time in tears who took the time out to stop and tell me they were praying for Stephanie. You will never know how much that meant to me. That kept me going. . I thank you. It seems like it is not enough but I felt like everyone needs to know.

A grateful mom,
Barbara Kuzminski

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