Hudson Reporter Archive

Hometown filmmakers triumph

Bayonne’s Narrow Bridge Films premiered “Summer Cabin” to a sold-out crowd of about 200 at Frank Theatres on Thursday, April 7th. Local moviegoers, fans, friends, and family arrived early to show support for their hometown filmmakers. The movie, filmed in Bayonne and in New Hampshire over the course of only six days, is the third by Narrow Bridge Films and comes six years after Sam Platizky founded the company.
The comedy stars Bayonne natives Isaac Platizky (wrote and starred), Laura Chaneski, Dan Gregory, Jenna Kildosher, Sam Platizky, William Farley (assistant director). Megan Bussiere of Edison and Laura Chaneski of North Plainfield also starred. Sean Feuer of Bayonne is director. Hendrickson’s Corner and The Little Food Café were among shooting locations, along with Laconia, New Hampshire.
The film opens in Peter’s psychiatrist’s office where Peter (Isaac Platizky), the nearly unlovable protagonist and miserably poor decision maker, is prompted to tell his story.
It begins with a younger and awkward Peter missing his chance with a workplace crush (Kildosher) and meeting his future girlfriend, Nancy (Chaneski) at a Halloween party. After he and Nancy break up years later, Dave (Sam Platizky), Peter’s burly best friend whose girlfriend, Mary (Bussiere) is best friends with Nancy, organizes a weekend cabin trip. Dave invites Peter without telling him Mary invited Nancy. It’s the classic story of trying to get a couple back together, only it hilariously backfires.
Also invited to the cabin is their other friend George (Gregory), a suave couch potato who laughs like a dolphin, and happens to be dating Susie, Peter’s old love interest. Mixed up suitcases, suspicions of infidelity, a wild party, and other scandalous hilarities ensue.
With a cast and crew full of people from Bayonne, the humor was informed by its roots. The crowd roared when Jenna Kildosher, playing a receptionist, rolls her eyes indolently when answering the phone in a thick Bayonne accent. Laura Chaneski, as Nancy, quips sarcastically to her soon to be ex-boyfriend, “Our summer getaway to Hoboken was so nice.”
The actors looked like they were having fun onscreen, which helped the acting. Gregory discussed his role as George, the goofiest character: “I got in character reflecting off of a guy I knew in high school. Playing characters is my favorite thing to do, so whenever I get a chance to stand in somebody else’s skin, that’s what I want to do.”

Audience reception

The film got positive reviews from audience members, including “I thought it was great.” “I like the humor, and the ending was hilarious.” “So, so funny.”
The ending was indeed funny, and portended a sequel, titled “Winter Cabin 2: Summer Wedding.” After the final scene, heavy applause drowned the rolling credits and followed the filmmakers to the front of the theater. Everyone stayed for the Q&A, where most of the cast and crew answered audience questions.
“I told Sam that I think the next thing you should write is a farce, “Isaac Platizky told the crowd, “and after we did ‘Lost and Found,’ which is our web series, we discussed what we wanted to do next, so I had come up with a re-plot of the ‘Summer Cabin,’ and decided to write it myself.”
The movie is based on one of their “Lost and Found” episodes called “Ski Cabin.” The series is free on their website: For a limited time, “Summer Cabin” will also be available on their website. Follow their Facebook page,, and their website for updates.
You might be able to catch a screening at a film festival. Sam Platizky said he wants to “submit to the biggest ones that everyone’s heard of: Sundance, Tribeca, Cannes, South by Southwest, etc. And then a bunch of others that offer awards or are in places we want to visit.”
“I thought the screening went great,” Sam Platizky said. “The reaction was overwhelmingly positive, and it was incredibly rewarding to watch the movie on the big screen and hear the audience’s reactions for the first time. Can’t wait to hit the festival circuit with it.”
Narrow Bridge announced their next film, “Yellow Scare,” an alternate-history comedy that takes place during World War II. It will feature many of the same actors but have a larger cast.

Rory Pasquariello may be reached at

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