Hudson Reporter Archive

A monument to our vets

To the Editor:

All Bayonne Veterans are invited to participate in the dedication of a new monument at Don Ahern Veterans Memorial Stadium. Bayonne has many veteran monuments throughout town that honor various groups and conflicts. All these are for veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up their lives for their country.
The Memorial Day Parade Committee has commissioned a new granite monument to be installed at the 25th Ss. entrance to Veterans Stadium. This monument will pay honor to all the living veterans from Bayonne.
Since the 1920s this area has been known as “Veterans Park,” “Veterans Stadium,” “Veterans Memorial Stadium,” and more recently, “Don Ahern Veterans Memorial Stadium.“ We now have a monument saying “This Stadium is dedicated to all of Bayonne’s Veterans.”
Please join us on Saturday morning, May 14th at 10 AM for the unveiling and dedication.
We are especially hoping that all Bayonne veterans will attend, since this memorial was built to honor them.
Entrance to the stadium area will be restricted to 26th St., and 25th St will be for exit only.

Chief of Staff

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