Hudson Reporter Archive

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Dear Editor:
I read with fervent interest “Town gets a butterfly meadow” by Art Schwartz in The Secaucus Reporter, Jan 27, 2016. It makes me well up with happiness to know a major municipality in Hudson County is undertaking a natural habitat demonstration project to provide food and nectar sources for Monarch butterfly. Land will be set apart for an open space, passive park in order to create an ecological landscape. About half the park along Radio Avenue and Elizabeth Court will be planted with 2 species of plants: butterfly weed and common milkweed. (The other half will be used for flood control). A scenic overlook with these plants and a nature path will be integral parts of the park. Not only will the park be attractive to visitors but it will provide educational opportunities. My praise to Mayor Gonnelli and NJ Sports and Exposition Authority.
I hope and desire to see similar efforts in Union City in at least considering ways that municipal parkland or vacant, abandoned, unused lot can be adapted to reuse as ecological landscape and pollinator corridor. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Our own Union City Mayor Brian P. Stack, I know without a doubt, is open and willing to find creative ways to help the struggling Monarch butterfly survive. I do not want to exaggerate but he certainly has championed its cause, in my view. I, too, must follow heart, mind, and soul and champion this cause. I am delighted Mayor Stack is involved. The Monarch needs an dogged, tireless ally like him.

Sincerely yours,
Tony Squire

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