Hudson Reporter Archive

BREAKING: Bayonne High School officials investigating possible cheating scandal among top students

BAYONNE – Although details are still sketchy, several school officials confirmed with the Reporter newspapers on Friday that they are looking into allegations that some of the top students at Bayonne High School cheated on some of their tests.
Three separate sources report that an investigation is underway. One source said this may affect some of the highest academic achievers in the current graduating class.
“We’re still getting information,” said a board member.
School Superintendent Dr. Patricia McGeehan confirmed on Friday afternoon that a probe is underway and that a student has been suspended. As of now, the allegations are just allegations.
Several sources said the problem may have involved the use of a smart phone to transmit test answers.
The issue has the potential to undermine one of the most prestigious graduating rituals in the Bayonne Public Schools, the Circle of Ten, in which the top 10 students in the class are feted.
Mayor James Davis responded to inquires saying, “This is why I pushed for an elected school board, so that there would be accountability.” (The first elected school board was just seated in January.)
McGeehan, however, said the there was no direct breach in the security of the test. But she said it underlined the problems associated with technology.
“We try to teach our children the appropriate use of technology,” McGeehan said. “We are very aggressive in promoting technology to prepare our students for the 21 st Century. But there is another side to it. Every student has a device.”

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