Hudson Reporter Archive

Arias, O’Hara Keep Rockets Soaring

Using a well balanced attack, the (1-0) Rockets impressed in their 2016 JCC of Bayonne Sr. Division Indoor Soccer debut. Hoping to build on their momentum, the Rockets closed out week one with a clash versus the (0-0) Sonics. Sparking things quickly, the Rockets’ Emya Irwin made it 1-0 scoring off an assist by Thomas Arias. Answering with a barrage, Dylan Subacz and Harsh Easwar put the Sonics ahead 2-1 as Subacz and Jacob Kowal registered assists. Returning to their steady balanced attack, the Rockets regained a 4-2 advantage with Kyle O’Hara (2 goals), Thomas Arias (1 goal, 1 assist) and Nicholas DePinto (2 assists), leading the surge. Stealing a page from the Rockets’ playbook the Sonics picked up the pace as speedster Jacob Kowal poured in two scoring darts with Easwar on both assists. Deadlocked in a 4-4 brawl, the Rockets and Sonics traded body blows with Kasper Hooks and Jacob Kowal digging in defensively for the Sonics while Emya Irwin and Nicholas DePinto rallied the Rockets “D”. Scoreless for over 10 minutes, the Rockets’ offense finally got back on track as Arias, O’Hara, and Irwin torched the nets to make it 7-4, Rockets. Battling until the final whistle, the Sonics’ Jacob Kowal blistered in his third straight goal but it was too little, too late as the Rockets went to (2-0) with a 7-5 victory.

Additionally, the following players were recognized as exceptional players for Week 1 Sr. Division:
Offensive Player of the Week: Thomas Arias – Rockets
Defensive Player of the Week: Nicholas DePinto – Rockets
Teamwork/Leadership Player of the Week: Harsh Easwar – Sonics

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