To the Editor:
I’m writing to express my concern for the smoke-and-mirrors campaign being perpetrated by Jimmy Davis and his Administration. Here are some facts the Bayonne public needs to know. Fact 1. Jimmy Davis raised taxes after he said he would lower them. Fact 2. Teachers are still without a contract. Fact 3. Broadway is decaying under Davis.
What Jimmy has done is take credit for the hard work of others. I noticed that the mayor and his team are in full “take credit” mode for the things that past administrations have done. Like the Broadway Medical Building project on 23rd and 24th Streets. This was done under Smith. In fact, Davis criticized this project while running for mayor. Davis is also trying to take credit for the Kennedy Boulevard project, which was done under Smith as well. The cold hard facts are that Davis hasn’t done much but try to hijack a school board election and raise taxes. I hope my fellow residents are watching Mr. Davis as closely as I am. He has yet to fulfill one campaign promise without strings attached. Please get to work Mr. Davis and stop taking credit for the hard work of others.