Hudson Reporter Archive

Protect Liberty State Park, your park, your community

Dear Editor:
The Jersey City Parks Coalition (JCPC) is a collection of 23 neighborhood and park groups throughout every ward working together to grow and improve Jersey City’s park system.
The Coalition is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization since 2005. JCPC stands behind the Friends of Liberty State Park and the NY/NJ Baykeeper in asking that the DEP Commissioner agree in writing to hold public hearings and a public comment period regarding the proposed privatization of our beloved Liberty State Park (LSP).
As the African proverb says: If you want to go fast; go alone. If you want to go far; go together.
The Community prospers when we stand together for safety, education and our quality of life. In doing so, we can accomplish far greater than going it alone.
So we need to come together now to protect Liberty State Park, but not only protect LSP and open space but to protect our communities. And when I say communities I don’t just mean all local Jersey City or Hudson County communities, I mean the communities throughout the State of New Jersey.
Believe me, we are all at risk. If our parks are compromised so are our neighborhoods. Open space, regardless of its size – large or small – is the most valuable commodity we have not only for today but for our future generations.
As president of the JCPC, we understand that if LSP is given over to privatization then every open space and park land throughout the State of New Jersey is now put in jeopardy. We cannot let this happen – We will not let this happen!
Please join us now to protect Liberty State Park, your park, your community. Please sign the petition to oppose the Governor’s plans for LSP at

Laura Skolar
President JCPC
Jersey City

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