Throughout the weekend of Saturday’s blizzard, residents in Jersey City got robocall updates from Mayor Steven Fulop’s administration on the progress city workers were making in dealing with the heavy snowfall.
Despite earlier predictions saying a foot of snow would fall, in the end, more than two feet of white stuff blanketed some parts of the city, bringing travel to a standstill, canceling cultural events, and giving residents a good reason to veg at home in front of the TV or fireplace. Schools were closed Monday.
By Sunday morning the hum of snow blowers and the rasp of snow shovels could be heard throughout the city, as well as the occasional argument over parking spaces, and doorbells rung by youths with snow shovels over their shoulders looking for the chance to make some extra bucks.
On Wednesday, temperatures climbed, melting some of the snow piles, although ice from melting snow that froze overnight was a hazard.
Winter came late this winter, but when it arrived, it was full-blast. Photos by Al Sullivan.
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