Hudson Reporter Archive

Bayonne to restructure city departments

BAYONNE – The city of Bayonne will consider an ordinance that will restructure its municipal departments in an effort in increase efficiency in city operations, the city announced on Jan. 13.
Mayor James Davis said the measure will result in the city’s four large departments changing to five moderately sized ones: Administration, Public Safety, Public Works, Finance, and Law.
The major changes include abolishing the Municipal Services Department and adding the Finance and Law departments. Divisions formerly assigned to Municipal Services will be reassigned to the new or existing departments.
“Under this plan, divisions will be more appropriately grouped together,” Davis said.
Regarding the leadership of the newly established departments, Davis said he would be appointing Jay Coffey the Department of Law director and Terrence Malloy the Department of Finance director. Both Coffey and Malloy are currently city employees, serving as corporation counsel and chief financial officer, respectively.
“Both Jay and Terrence have decades of experience and institutional knowledge that are invaluable to city operations,” Davis said.
The proposed restructuring and mayoral appointments will not cost the city money, Davis said, as neither Coffey nor Malloy will receive salary increases in connection with their appointments.
All other city department head positions will remain unchanged, with Joseph Demarco, Robert Kubert, and Gary Chmielewski the directors of Administration, Public Safety, and Public Works, respectively.

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