Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken’s Corporation Counsel to leave city for private job Jan. 15

HOBOKEN – Hoboken’s topmost lawyer, Mellissa Longo, will step down from her position as Corporation Counsel for the city of Hoboken – which includes advising the City Council and Mayor Dawn Zimmer on legal matters – for a private job.
“Mellissa has served the city since the beginning of my administration through some challenging times,” said Mayor Zimmer in a statement. “I appreciate all that she has done for Hoboken and wish her the very best with her new endeavor.”
As the corporation counsel, formerly the associate counsel before taking over for Mark Tabakin, Longo advised the city as well as attended regular and special City Council meetings, and managed the legal department.
An announcement from the city Tuesday said Longo will be heading to a for-profit corporation and her last day will be January 15, 2016.
“I am extremely grateful to Mayor Zimmer for all of the opportunities she has given me during my five years here in the City of Hoboken,” said Corporation Counsel Mellissa Longo. “It has been truly a pleasure to work with the Mayor, her talented administration, all of the City departments, special counsel, and the City Council. This has been rewarding position, and I will never forget the people I have befriended and my experience here.”
The city has posted a job opening on its website. It says the candidate’s “duties also include evaluating staffing, organization, and role of in-house vs. outside counsel.”

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