Hudson Reporter Archive

Fix of Bayonne wind turbine delayed longer

BAYONNE – The repair of the 270-foot wind turbine at East Fifth Street, first anticipated for November and then late December, has been pushed back once again because of a problem with a bearing replacement part, a city official said on Friday, Dec. 11.
The turbine, which takes the wind blowing off the Kill Van Kull and turns it into energy savings of more than $200,000 a year for Bayonne, was shut down in June after the company monitoring the device for the city noticed a problem. It has not worked since.
Bayonne Municipal Utilities Authority Executive Director Tim Boyle said that the latest delay in fixing the turbine arose from an examination of the bearing part that was to be used.
“It failed the quality assurance checked in November,” he said.
Boyle said there is now no timetable on when the turbine can be fixed.
“It’s not an off-the-shelf item,” Boyle said. “It’s a hard part to get.”
The city at first was told the repair of the turbine would cost $350,000 for the part and require the disassembling of a 77-ton part, according to Boyle. In October, the city learned the cost would be $298,000 and would only involve the bearing.
The wind turbine is owned by the BMUA, but is operated and maintained by Suez Water.

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