Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken Class of 1965

Dear Editor:
Yes, we were all there when Hostess, Lipton Tea and Tootsie Roll were churning out their products, and the smell of Maxwell House coffee told us of imminent rain. The jitney, 63 and 21 busses took us to outer lands. Mr. Tom Gaynor was our anchor, the guys were still wearing mandatory ties, and we were still recovering from the loss of our Irish president in 1963. Searching for our identity in ’65, came 2015 and a visionary group of classmates; the class reunion of 1965-Hoboken High School, our 50th!
The committee did it with grace and superb planning, easing all of our anxieties of losing hair, hearing, gaining a few in the calorie section, and fighting over the Beach Boys, Beatles and Rolling Stones. The lead up; the pizza party, a few local bar stops, the high school football game, the tour of the high school and of course the reunion. The wit of the team of Beronio and Soto were still in tact, as well as the awe of Ray Heitmann’s brilliance, our class valedictorian were prevalent. The story telling of Eddie, Anthony, Bob, Michael, Maggie and Regina, made us all feel we were back in homeroom getting a lecture from Ms. Marnell. And yes, Anthony Giordano was our answer to Robert DeNiro.
To the Red Wings who came from North, South, East and West, and our war veterans, we salute you.
A special acknowledgment to Marie Stinson and Livio Capilla, whose talent and time, brought back vivid bites of yesteryear and tomorrow land-we felt the love!

Dennis Sevano

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