Hudson Reporter Archive

Place your trust in me

Dear Editor:
I am Annette Chaparro, and I am asking the voters of the 33rd District to elect me as their representative in the General Assembly on Nov. 3.
There are many important issues facing our district, which includes: Hoboken, Union City, Weehawken and parts of Jersey City. In addition to working toward identifying solutions to our high property taxes, if elected, I would focus my efforts primarily on affordable housing, education, and transportation issues.
I will work toward solving housing problems. There are cities in New Jersey that need better low income housing and more middle-income housing. I will help identify these needs in my home district and beyond to ensure that more people are able to live without the fear of having to leave their homes or their hometowns.
The Governor’s demonization of teachers with a broad brush by focusing on their tenure is demoralizing and detrimental to our education system. Regardless of their tenure, I want to ensure a strong education is provided to students in our State. We need to make sure that all students are receiving top level academic and extra curriculum support by working with all parties. Our teachers and their support staff need to be recognized and respected for their hard work, not made out to be villains.
I want to ensure that all residents have the greatest variety of safe, cost-effective, and reliable transportation options available. We have seen several cost increases for commuters, especially in my home district, which came as a surprise. Additionally, New Jersey has over 38,800 miles of public roads and over 6,500 bridges – proper upkeep now through a commitment to our Transportation Trust Fund will save money in the future, avoiding major projects and potential tragedies. And costs saved through upkeep now will allow us to use that saved money to honor commitments made in past years.
Through my campaign, I have been honored to speak with and later be endorsed by many organizations that represent tremendous people throughout New Jersey. These groups include JNESO, NJEA, NJ State Fraternal Order of Police, NEW JOBS PAC, and Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters. I am proud to be supported by so many middle-class organizations and their members, who have placed their trust in me to be a true voice of the people for this District.
I am also asking you to vote for my running mate, Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, who is already a fantastic representative for our District and will continue to be with your support. I would be happy to answer any of your questions going forward. I can be reached at I hope you will make time to go to the polls and vote for me, Annette Chaparro, as well as Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, on Nov. 3. If you place your trust in me to serve this great district, in return I’ll provide a strong voice as an honest representative.

Annette Chaparro
Democratic Candidate for State Assembly – 33rd District

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