Hudson Reporter Archive

The Board of Education should not work for city hall

To the Editor:

My name is Christopher Munoz, and I’m running for a two-year term for Bayonne Board of Education Trustee.
I am a lifelong resident. I am a product of the Bayonne public school system, a proud parent of two children enrolled in the Bayonne public schools, a homeowner, and taxpayer.
I am a history teacher at Hoboken High School. I am dual certified; I teach general education and special education.
I have a Master’s degree in special education and a Bachelor’s degree in social studies and political science. I have New Jersey state certification for teaching social studies. I have been teaching for 10 years. I am the 2nd vice president of the Hoboken Education Association and have been involved in contract negotiations. So, I am well versed in that area.
I am running on a platform of:
Full day Pre-K
Not in favor of charter schools
Returning the minimum passing grade to 70 and in favor of increasing it to 75
Fiscal responsibility
New national superintendent search
Reducing top- heavy administration and returning that money to the classroom for students where it belongs
Qualified applicants for administrative positions, not who they supported in the last election finding new alternative revenue sources to alleviate the tax burden for Bayonne residents respect for all parents, staff, students, and taxpayers
Meaningful education reforms
A climate of fear and disrespect and intimidation exists for some parents and for some educators.
And you know what? Enough is enough.
I believe that we should have a completely independent and autonomous school board, free of interference from City Hall. I believe that board members work for the Bayonne public and not for themselves or a politician.
It is time to restore sanity, pride, and excellence to the Bayonne Board of Education.
On November 3, vote for real change. Vote Christopher Munoz, 15D.

Candidate for a two-year term for Bayonne Board of Education Trustee.

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