Hudson Reporter Archive

Working together to make a difference

Dear Editor:
Kindly permit me to use this weekly as a vehicle to express thanks to certain individuals in Union City. First I appreciate Mayor Stack for checking periodically with me on progress of the New York/Second Avenue pollinator assistance effort. More specifically, the Monarch Butterfly. Second I thank the ever helpful, dedication, and tireless work of the Union City DPW Supervisor, Mr. Henry Monker. He has taken an enthusiastic interest in seeing that the tree wells on New York Avenue are weeded and watered sufficiently and has offered to assist if further need arises. His cooperation and fervent spirit are indispensable to the expected and ultimate success of this butterfly way station. About 68 square feet of 6 tree wells will be used for wildflowers to attract pollinators, especially butterflies. In late October, I will plant 18 species of wildflower seeds suitable for summer and fall. Some of these seeds come from southern China, Ukraine, Holland, France, and Germany as well as the U.S. Lastly I thank Senor Alex DeLeon who draws water from the city’s water truck to water the soil of the tree wells—in addition to the miles of trees that line Union City’s streets. Other DPW workers have kept the tree wells weed free and their hard work is much appreciated.
Take time, won’t you, to chat with these hard-working DPW workers and voice your thanks to them. It makes a difference and gets a smile. Although I am not fluent in Spanish, I was able to thank and understand “Sucre” a park worker who waters the garden and white Butterfly Bushes of Washington Park along Palisade Avenue. He shared a childhood memory of how much he enjoyed seeing many butterflies in his home country and how he’s concerned that their numbers have steadily dwindled. In his work, he still keeps an eye out for butterflies. As we closed our conversation, I said “mucho gusto, senor” and he beamed with great delight. We all make a difference in our community and individuals like Sucre, Alex, Henry (Monker)and the Hon. Mayor Stack all play a crucial role in trying to live in harmony with Nature and maintain and conserve our natural spaces and make a constructive impact for the betterment of our communities. A partnerhip between public service and Nature edification can spur others to action to make a difference on their block, in their neighborhood, and the wider greener city.

With much gratitude,
Raven A. Squire

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