Hudson Reporter Archive

Bayonne Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth Leagues seek sponsors for “Awards Journal”

Want to advertise your business, or an upcoming event, or simply just wish our award winners good luck, or wish the boys and girls good luck, or let them know they did an amazing job, here is the perfect opportunity.
The Bayonne Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth League are currently seeking ad sponsors for our second ever “Awards Journal,” a collection of congratulation sentiments for our players and teams. We are asking the help of our local businesses with sponsoring an ad. Purchasing an ad is a great way to give back to the community and publicize your business. We plan on distributing the journals at our 18th Annual Ripken Awards ceremony on November 13. All proceeds from ad sales will go directly to benefit the players in our league. The money raised will go towards purchasing equipment, uniforms, insurance, field expenses, etc.
For information and pricing, contact Cindy Peterson, or (201) 688-6771. Deadline is October 16.

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