Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Zimmer exemplifies progressive liberalism at its finest’

Dear Editor:
Copycat progressive liberalism taxes remain flat – this is how Dawn Zimmer qualifies tax increases when new units sold result in increased revenue for the city. Nicest curbs in Hudson County – this is what you do as mayor to justify spending increases. Pay construction companies absurd amounts of taxpayer dollars to reconstruct structurally intact and perfect curbs yellow, red and now sanded grit – again more wasteful spending because the red and yellow curbs weren’t enough, the mayor has decided to choke the width of streets and glue white rocks to the road. Green bike lanes – important coming off Observer Highway because of all the bicyclists exiting the 1&9 highway and Holland Tunnel. On street parking sold to highest bidder – it must be nice to be able to park around the 2nd street light rail and not get ticketed – after all those construction workers are very important people.
Just like DeBlasio and Obama, Zimmer has been a disaster: serving her own special interests, creating problems and pretending to solve them, increasing taxes, increasing traffic lights and congestion, ordering parking agents to ticket at will while injecting as much government and red tape that can be crammed into a square mile town. Just like DeBlasio and Obama, Zimmer exemplifies progressive liberalism at its finest.

James Parascandola

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